
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Type of guy that already been in my list before

During the whole 23 years old of living, as a girl who haven't explore many aspect in life yet but the world of relationship seems familiar to her. There will be several types of guy that I have met before or must I say I've been crush on. 

1. The Jock

Back in primary school, I knew this guy for quite some time. He's the jock for basketball. I went to Chinese primary school and yes basketball is the main sports there other than ping pong. He's good looking, tall, charming smile, popular (among everyone), speak mandarin very well ( because he doesn't even had Chinese blood at all) , he had a sister which also popular among guys, tan skin and have an impressing grades. Who doesn't wanted a guy like that? He's the most popular guy and last for couple years because he's so good at it. I mean basketball of course. Back then I was so curious and fortunately I managed to get to know him through his sister which me and her sister had same age but different class. Mine was Class A and his sister Class B. I'm just happen to be in Class A from primary 1 till 6. But I swear I wasn't the famous of the smartest student in that class. I'm still dumb and love to laugh out loud yet be thankful enough to be there. So, he's so perfect I must say. For the first time I'd talk to him, he's so friendly and open. He even remember my name and will say 'hi' every time he saw me anywhere in school. I was so fond and started to be one of his cheerleader during his games. He did appreciate it and say thank you for coming or thank you for supporting my team but the truth is I was there because of him. HAHA. As the years goes by, he suddenly open up about a girl. That girl was my friend. She and I rode the same school bus. So, he asked for help. He really wanted to know her. For the sake of my crush, I did help him. At the end, they liked each other and he went crazy for that girl. After that, I decided to move on because I bet still now he still crazy or that girl. 

2. The Mama's Boy

I met this guy after I decided to move on from the jock. I know I'm moving too fast but I met him at the church. He's the first guy I ever fond for to long. 8 or 9 years I guess. Frankly, he is my type. All of it. All the imperfection just makes me adore him more and more. He's 2 years older than me. He's the only son that his parents had. Which means he had 4 sister. My mother once said that never choose a guy that had a lot of sister because they can go against you. But, I never listen to her. My heart and mind seems get along for the first time. Again, he's tall, fair, quite good looking, popular among girls,brainy, can play music instrument and most importantly he's Christian. I'm actually having a hard time when I had a crush on him because there's a girl that capture his attention first. What I want to say is the girl is one of the closest person during that days. I was so dumb and told her about him, about my feeling to him. She end up liking that guy and be close to each other. Man, I was like been betray by her. My heart crushed and I slowly develop my hate towards her. At first, this guy doesn't know my existence but thanks to that girl, he finally knows that there's a girl named Gloria existed in that church. Honestly, we almost never talk to each other until now. He's choose to neglect my existence and even remove me from his Facebook friend list. He happened to know about my feelings from that lucky girl. She told him from A to Z and even gave my number to him. During that time, that lucky girl already ha another boyfriend and suddenly decided to "help" me by telling him about my feelings towards him. We did chat a bit through phone. I may sounded desperate but I did like him very much and decided not to be intimidate by it. But still, he never liked me back and keep on having various girls in his life. Until now, he still not over his ex and still a mama's boy. His mother keep mentioning his name whenever she saw me. Some how, I was confused and wonder what actually that she's trying to mean by it. At the end, I choose to let go. He will always be the person my heart. Strangely, I will know when he's single and available because he's appeared in my dreams. He always know that I'm single and maybe always ready to love him, Unfortunately, that's all in the past. Farewell.

3. The Coffee Lover Guy

I knew this guy before I had any crush on anyone else. His mother introduced us both. I still remember the good old days. I was a bubbly girl and he was the quiet with a friendly smile boy. He's 6 years older than me. He always away from home and I barely knew about him because of that. He's always been an independent since primary. He's a good looking guy with a smile that can makes me melt, like to travel the world, a marathoner, love's his coffee, good in cooking and baking, family oriented guy, friendly, a mature guy and he's Christian. I met him couple times during holidays such as Chinese Lunar New Year, Harvest festival and Christmas. I adore him from the moment I met him. It's the weird feeling I ever had. But choose to ignore it until that one day his mother mentioned about arranged marriage. She was so worried about her elder son still haven't settle down while his sister is way ahead him now. I never ever ever ever thought about liking him or being one of the candidate for that arranged marriage thing. You know why? because I just broke up with my ex for one month during that time. Of course his mother knew that I am single and available. I wasn't expect that I would be one of his candidate. His mother began to check out on me every time at the church. Until, I suddenly fell for him. Physically at first because I never talk to him before. After awhile, he open a cafe at my hometown which is his hometown too. This may sound cliché to you but I did talk to God about how much I wanted to know him and wish he is living near. Then, I believe God actually listen and he finally went back to our hometown and started a cafe here. He lived 3 miles from my old neighborhood. Surprisingly, we did move to a new neighborhood last December. Which somewhere near his neighborhood. I'm speechless. I just wish I can meet him everyday. I really get jealous for the people who can met him everyday. My family knew about this because his mother and my mother quite closed to each other. She always asked about how am I doing, when will I go back to Sabah and so on.  Frankly, I really want to sit with him at his coffee shop and talk about random things. I want to know how his point of view about the world, about people, about all kind of things. I was curious how he see the world. I still remember the day that I actually met him after many years of stalking him at social media. Admiring his picture on Instagram and Facebook. See the detail of his face throughout his picture. One fine Sunday, I knew he went to our church for evening service before fly back to our hometown. He stood there and smile as if he knew me so well. I felt to grateful on that day and I did smile towards him and enter the church. His sister even asked me to sit along with them. My heart pounding like crazy, my feet freakin' cold because I was nervous and don't know how to act. Thankfully, I can handle it very well on that day. He's so impressed when he knew that I'm taking Spanish language at University. Our little talk end so fast because he's rushing to go to airport. For the first time, he shakes my hand and wish me good luck for study. I swear the butterflies on my stomach went wild, my heart stops beating for a second. I still can't forget his warm hand and his sweet smile. My feelings for him grew stronger each day. He did appear in my dreams couple times. Last semester break, I was so determined. I told my brother that I wanted to go to his cafe and meet him too. Even if we live nearby, but it's hard to meet him because he was so busy and he went to other church on Sunday. The day before Valentine, finally God allowed me to go there. When we arrived, the shop was so quiet and no one there except for his worker. His worker warmly greet us and gave us the menu. I ordered a vanilla latte, nachos and chicken pie. I was a bit disappoint because he wasn't there. Few minutes later, I heard the door was open. I sat facing back from the door while my brother vise versa. He quickly approached our table and started a conversation. He thought my brother brought his girlfriend to his cafe. When he saw me, he smiles. Amazingly, he did remember me. We had a quite long conversation. He did asked me to speak Spanish for him. We laughed at the same stupid jokes, his eyes fixed towards mine. I can feel that he's standing closer to me. He such a great guy. His buff biceps and charming smile. Gosh! I really can't sleep well during the night. I was contented. I thank God for the day. Finally I can talk to him about random things on his coffee shop. I can felt the chemistry between us. We get along really fast and he so focused whenever I talk. But, now still on prayer. I just pray for the best and let God decide. 

To be continued..

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