
Sunday, April 23, 2017

5. Who Do You Think Has Had The Largest Influence On The Person You Are Today?

Who do you think? Well, for me the person is my mother. The closest person in my life and she's the most toughest person I've ever met. The thing is my father passed away way too soon and my older brother still in primary school during that time. Okay, let's focus on the main character here which is my mother. She's the most independent women. She always told us about how and where she was growing up. She came from a small village that called Kamansi, Sabah. She used to row on a boat and sold banana or any other fruits that can be eaten because that's the way she can earned money to buy food at the school canteen. She also told us that the food used to be so cheap. The fried noodle inside the plastic was only RM 0.05. She did told us that she lived far from m grandparents because the school way to far from their house so she moved in to her elder brother's place. Funny thing is, her sister-in-law used to hate her and make her to do the house chores. But now, they seem get along. Thank God. HAHA. There's one story that my mother told me about her sister-in-law that totally change my perspective or the way I looked or treated my aunt. My mother really remembers all the thing during her growing up journey. She told me that her sister-in-law was evil and refused to give her pocket money to school. My uncle was way more older than my mother. He got married at the very young age but during that time, he managed to find a job. He's a teacher. Furthermore, she went to school by walking for miles and hours. I'm so amazed how people really appreciate the good things that they had and they are willing to sacrifice just to gain knowledge. Not like nowadays, people like me doesn't know how to appreciate the accommodation that has been well prepared. My mother used to say that all of the circumstance that she had during growing up was actually molding her to be the person that she'd become today. She's stronger that any person in this world yet she had a soft heart but not fragile. I still can heard her voice in my head. This words keep repeating inside my mind. She said ' Gayle (my nickname), never trust men 100%, we are women and we are strong. Make sure you get a good job. Most importantly, be independent. Because someday when your husband is leaving you, you still have a job and enough money to support yourself. Be wise. Knowledge is important. But God is our priority. HE's our everything.

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