
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

3. Where Is One Place Feel Most Like Yourself?

Of course my answer would be home. There's no other place like home. On 1996, we started to move from Taman Fajar to Taman Indah Jaya which my parents believed that was a good home for us. I was only 3 years old that trying to explore the house with my other siblings. We were so excited because the house was bigger and cozy. Unfortunately, we moved again last year. It was on December 2016. We moved at Taman Anggerik. Actually, the house were meant to be rent out but the house at Taman Indah Jaya is old and for almost 21 years living there was memorable. So, we decided to move in to this another bigger house. It's quite far that our old house. Honestly, we needed money so the house was sold to a couple that got married recently. They both had the same occupation as my mother. They are teachers. Sadly, this couple living apart for a while because they are not teaching at the same school. Different province too. But, I heard they will moving in to our old house on 2018. If God willing they said. I like the surrounding of our new home today. It was chill and quiet. Our neighbors both singles and a bit matured. Home is where I can be myself the most. Be ugly for a day and be lazy for the next day. Cook for everyone, eat with them, clean he house with them ( but mostly me all the time), during weekend my mother will cook a dish and go to town looking for something ( it depends if my mother wanted to go out or not because my brother need to go to work and my mother scared to drive the car.) I really pleased to live at our new house because I finally got a room to sleep, to do make up, a wardrobe and place to hangout and chill ( also watch k-drama, anime and movies without any distraction) I didn't watch any k-drama yet but soon maybe. Anime? I just watch randomly and current favorite is say ' I Love You'. Gosh! that anime really my style. Movies? Erm. Beauty and the beast is the latest thing I ever saw since this week. Oh. I almost forgot. I also watch Korean reality show such as The Return  Of Superman, I Live Alone, We Got Married, Law Of The Jungle and etc.

2. What's One Thing That's Happened To You In Your Life That Made You Feel Weak?

The day off my dad passed away. It was on 9 April 1999. Of course I wasn't understand why everyone is crying during that day. Why my dad is lying on a thing that has bed on it. Slowly I understand when I was 7 years old. He's gone forever. He'll never be my dad again. There's always a small good thing about it. I learned that people will not stay by your side forever. That's why I never cry if my boyfriend ever leave me because the most dearly man in my life left earlier than them. Still, that thing can be my weakness also my strength.

1. What's one thing that's happened to you that has made you a stronger person?

Growing up I always the one that easily get ill. I got asthma when I was about 4 or 5 years old. Thankfully, I recovered before reaching my teenage year. But, when I was 15 years old I've been diagnosed as an anemic. Till today, I still have review at the hospital. I almost giving up in life and wanted to suicide because I don't want to end up being a burden in my family. In other hand, through all the illness I slowly gather the strength that's been hiding in me. The old me has been vanished. The new me is stronger that I was last time. I can even go to the university that is far away from home thanks to God for that. HE's the one done all this for me. Praise the Lord!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

50 Question To Ask a Girl If You Want To Know Who She Really Is

So, I decided to answer all the question but I'm not going to put all in this 1 page.

1. What's one thing that's happened to you that has made you a stronger person?

2. What's one thing that's happened to you in your life that you weak?

3. Where is one place you feel most like yourself?

4. Where is your favorite place to escape to?

5. Who do you think has had the largest influence on the person you are today?

6. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

7. If you had one day left to live, what would you do first?

8. What decade do you feel you most belong in?

9. Who are your closest to in your family? Why?

10. Who is the one person in this world that knows you best?

11. What is your favorite quality about your best friend?

12. When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up?

13. If you could identify with one fictional character ( from a book, or movie ) who would it be?

14. Do you easily accept complements? Or do you hate compliments?

15. Is your favorite attribute about yourself physical or non-physical?

16. What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself?

17. What is your favorite non-physical attribute about yourself?

18. Do you believe in love at first sight?

19. Do you believe in soul mates?

20. How seriously do you take horoscopes?

21. Have you ever been in love? How many times?

22. What makes you fall in love with someone?

23. What does vulnerability mean to you? What has the ability to make you vulnerable?

24. What's one thing you're scared to ask a man, but really want to?

25. If you were a man for a day, what would be first thing you do?

26. What do you find most attractive about each sex?

27.  What's one thing you'd love to learn more about?

28. What is something you've never done that you've always wanted to do?

29. Why haven't you done it yet?

30. If money didn't matter, what would your dream job be?

31.If you had off from work today, what would you do?

32. What was the last thing that made you cry?

33. What was the last thing that made you laugh?

34. What is your favorite memory?

35. What's the last thing REALLY embarrassed you?

36. What is your biggest fear?

37. Do you have any regrets? What's your biggest one?

38.  Have you ever broken a law? If you haven't what is one law you'd love to break?

39. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?

40. Would you have a conversation with a stranger?

41. Would you tell a stranger they have toilet paper hanging from their shoe? Or their dress tucked into their underwear? ( Or anything else that is embarrassing to be seen in public )

42. What's your favorite joke?

43. Are you a dog person or a cat person?

44. If you could be any animal, what animal would it be?

45. What's one show, movie, or book, you're embarrassed to admit you enjoy?

46. How do you think your parents would describe you as a child?

47. If you could go back to any age or time of your life, what age or time would it be?

48. What's something you believe in that not everyone else does?

49. What's one thing you would say that makes you unique from other people?

50. What is one thing you feel your life is missing?

( I'm trying my best to answer it ASAP)

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Feeling something. Something LIKE....

I spend my Friday and Saturday watching anime Hiiro No Kakera & Say ' I Love You'. It's a great story by the way. When I woke up this morning, it was around 9.30 am. I woke up pretty early I guess since I slept around 2 or 3 am last night. I've always count how many hours I sleep everyday. As I woke up, my another roommate went to short trip and while the other one still sleeping because she's been busy with her kompang team. Good luck for them! Well, I felt strange today. At first I don't know how to explain but seems like I'm thrilled over something. It's strange because I rarely feel that way. I know it is weekend and I can sleep without setting my alarm beforehand but this time is completely different. Slowly I'm asking myself, Am I in love again with him? I know it's been so many 'him' on my previous post and I'm gonna tell you a bit bout him. Okay. this 'him' is not a new guy. I known him for over 10 years roughly. I never talk much with him and I don't know why. He's my first crush when I was still at the primary school. He has everything that I wish for. I mean, every girl had their own standard or I must say their own version of prince charming when it comes to a guy. HAHA. Okay, so we almost never talk face to face. I somehow hate him and never wanted to see him but sometimes I did. Whatever! His family seems close to mine because we went to the same church. TMI. Yes, TMI. I know. I can't help spilling it out. My big sister really hate him and she called him loser. Me and my big sis always had our heart to heart talk whenever we got time or problems. She and my mother are the best listener and so do I. She said, " don't ever pick someone like him because someone like him will not appreciate you." Also she said, "didn't you saw what happened on his past relationship? always end up so badly." My sis always concern about me when it comes to relationship. Honestly, I've only had 1 ex boyfriend. 2013 till now I never go out with a guy because I just don't want to go through things from the top. It's so complicated. But, I just don't to expect something from him because he always disappoint me. He never had an interest to know me anyway. I always end up like this. Secretly hoping then it will never work out I really wish he will not bother me again. Please, my heart can't bear all the pain. I need break. I'm tired. I know it will always be the one sided love. Always and forever it will be. I'm not trying to be pathetic but it is the truth. I know accepting the truth can be harsh but it is the only way for us to grow stronger and wiser. Come on Gloria! you're 23 years old young adult and will be soon graduating. Just make you family proud. Don't ever let them down especially your mother. 

Monday, March 13, 2017


As I turned 23 years old for the last couple days or should I say on the last Thursday. I found myself is changing. Not only my age is changing but also my thoughts and feelings. Y'all know how much I'm crazy about that one guy but surprisingly I can forget about him a little bit on each day. I used to care so much about him, stalk him on media social, get to know him more by going to his cafe, misses him so much, and many more. But now, it is not happening at all. Yes, I do care about him but that's it. I used to tell God how much I wanted that guy to be mine but now my desire to pray about it constantly gone. I persuade my heart to think about him again but I just couldn't. All of a sudden i felt lazy, no feelings, no desire, and wanted to forget him. This happens when I get to him last month an talked to him face to face. I can see the way he sees me and my tiny heart says it will never happen Gloria. Sorry, forget about him. He's just another Mr. Left. For the past few years, I think it is enough. Get over it Gloria. I used to convince myself that I couldn't make it but look now my heart is tired and I wanted a freedom. Almost is enough for me. Goodbye J! Have a blessed life ahead!

I Don't Believe In Dreams Anymore~

Since I reached 20's something, I always dream about weird things and I dream a lot. Each time, before sleep I always pray that I don't want to have any dreams anymore but it didn't go away. I simply just dream about people that come and gone in my life, babies, snakes and more. Some people said that our dream is our imagination. How you wanted things to happen and how you imagine it will be. It is like directing a movie on your own. It's your story and you will be the main actor or actress. Each day,  I dream about different things. Last night, I dream about someone that I used to adore. He's wearing white T's and refuse to talk to me. he just walked and turned out to be he's searching for his elder sister and then they talked. I wasn't sure about it but he seems asking about something to his sister. In that situation, it is clear but somehow it is blur. I couldn't saw his face but I knew it was him. I chased him because he did something bad to me and I wanted to ask him for that matter. But he just lay his hand and as if he asked me to wait because at the moment he's talking to his sister about something and oddly it was at the LRT station. I never dream about him anymore but last night was odd and I really hate it. I just don't like him for some reason. I used to believe in dreams but now I don't because expectation can lead to frustration. Frankly, I was clear about it. He never likes me anyway. I was the one that had feelings for him not vice versa. I was stupid enough to think such a delusional thought during teen days. I was embarrassed over my past action and immature girl who's thinking that any guys is okay to be her crush. Argh! I'm so pissed over my past self but little did I know, there's a lesson behind all that silly things. I couldn't be myself today I wasn't so dumb back then. What I wanted to say is each of my foolish action had thought me to be more careful, wiser, stronger and  more tolerate. I'm enjoying my sleep but I hate it when I'm having dreams that can ruin my whole day. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Today is a special day for me because it is my birthday. I turned 23 years old this year. I thank God for HIS love and mercy for giving me such a wonderful life. Even though so much thing has been going on but I choose to stay strong because God is with me. A challenging 23 years old life where I need to learn a lot of things, decided what's good for me, and more. As I grow one year older every 9 March, there's a lot of stuff that need to be done, search, gain, follow and etc. Frankly, being 23 is awkward. I mean I really miss being 19 where there's nothing that bother me. Always stay around my family, eat at home, be with my friends but now I'm at the opposite situation . I'm so far away from my family, eat on my own, making new friends and so many thing that bother me. Anyway, I'm just hoping that I can graduate on time, be a better and responsible person, be beautiful inside and out, be more encouraging towards my family, friends and myself of course, be closer to God, be more motivated, be more friendly and many more.

p/s : having boyfriend too.