
Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Favourite date of March is 9 & 10 March =)

The reason why i like 9 & 10 March it was our birthdate..mine is 9 and him 10..i was really happy that God still gave us opportunity to celebrate our birthday..thank God because of His love and mom can celebrate my birthday during Adult Cells..there's a lot of prayer and our family also can share the blessed that God gave us..I was really being blessed by God since i was a little till now..without His power, i might die on 2009..He saved me..also healed my illness..and now i'm free from eating any medication hemoglobin already stable..During my PMR examination i was losing my confident to get a good result..because on early 2009, i was hemoglobin dropped drastically..from 12 to 3..2 week on hospital wad and 2 times being admitted..i've been admit on the hospital for too long because i was waiting for blood blood type is O positive..this type of blood was really rare at my hometown, Sandakan. So the hospital decided to order the blood from blood bank at Kuala Lumpur..3 days waiting for blood transfusion..that time was really respiratory system became so limited..i need to wear that respirator for extra oxygen..and guess doesn't helped me at all..on one thursday condition became mom cried all the many people was visiting that female bed number is 3..there's a lot of people died on that bed..even my best friend Tyara said that her late grandma decease on that bed..but with God interference..our church member came and start pray for me..suddenly the doctor ran into my bed and said there's extra blood from our hospital blood bank..then the situation changed from sad to mom can't stop crying because she was so greatful that God had giving me chance to live..actually i was nearly to die..because my soul already separated from my body..i did saw another soul that was calling me..and i did recognise that person..she was an old lady that died 2 days ago..that mean she decease on tuesday..she had been talking with me and my bed and her was really near..because her bed was next to my bed..but after that she was being transferred to bed 3..that's mean she was really critical and doctors can't helped her anymore..i was quite shocked..just like a moment ago i was talking to her then suddenly the nurses told me that she already decease..she was a great women and all the nurses adore her..finally..the blood transfusion had been done and i finally can move a bit..and also can went home to get a full rest..luckly i've admitted to hospital after i'm done my PMR examination and i took a long leave to get rest from's been a month..after that, PMR examination result had been announced on christmas eve..praise the Lord i didn't fail any's all for today..i really greatful because God did love me and my family..He's my best friend, my perfect Dad and my everything..the important is He is my saviour from the beginning of my life till the end..

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