
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Everything left was only a little piece of our love and him break up..i think i was wrong at the first place..i almost regret my decision..but now..i realise..i already made a right decision for our past relationship..i really think this was the best decision even though it hurts too much..but i'll try to handle it..i'm not going to be a selfish person anymore..after all we've been through..seriously you're such a superb guy that i ever known..thanks for loving me so dearly since 13 July 2009..i really appreciate it..and thanks for being there for me especially when you came visited me on hospital..came to my home..accompany me went to everywhere..thanks for loving and accepted me as i one ever did it for me..thanks for the cute gift that you're already bought and gave to me..i'll kept them in my closet..i'll take care of them very well..but if you want them back..i'll will give it to you back...since 13 July 2009, i spent most of my time to text with you..and that also my favourite hobby :)..but now..i need to find my new hobby..sometimes i realise that my day wouldn't complete if you not texting with me..but i guess i need to forget about it..honestly, you're the one that i was thinking about day and just too permanent in my mind..3 years 8 month 1 week and 2 days was a long time for me to had an amazing relationship..that's why i never forget about you..even an inch..i know it's annoying for you to read this..but this is the the one that got are my favourite pain..the only person i ever love so much since the way..i know you were hurting now..or maybe not..i just want to say sorry..for not being a good girlfriend..not treat you right..sometimes not being there for you..always mad to you for no reason and so many more..i realise that i was too bad for you and not suitable for such a nice person..and you need someone more better than me..i know you will find not just one but a lot of people that appreciate you more..make sure you choose wisely..okey lah..that's all i want to say..just take care..don't skip your meal even if you're busy..if you sick..tell your mom night, don't forget to wear blanket if you want to sleep..make sure you eat a clean food..check it before you eat..always drive safely..don't eat too much junk food...but i want you to forget that i will always love you no matter what..even if i already meet someone new in my always be my sweetie pie..have a blessed day..GBU :) bye!

Teddy Gram Note Generator

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