
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Already meet someone new?

I'm might not rushing to have a relationship with people....i need to know his background and behaviour..if he's really suits for then i will accept him..but if there's no one want to enter my's okey though..that's mean i'm going to be sexy,free and single :D

I missed that moment :(

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Everything left was only a little piece of our love and him break up..i think i was wrong at the first place..i almost regret my decision..but now..i realise..i already made a right decision for our past relationship..i really think this was the best decision even though it hurts too much..but i'll try to handle it..i'm not going to be a selfish person anymore..after all we've been through..seriously you're such a superb guy that i ever known..thanks for loving me so dearly since 13 July 2009..i really appreciate it..and thanks for being there for me especially when you came visited me on hospital..came to my home..accompany me went to everywhere..thanks for loving and accepted me as i one ever did it for me..thanks for the cute gift that you're already bought and gave to me..i'll kept them in my closet..i'll take care of them very well..but if you want them back..i'll will give it to you back...since 13 July 2009, i spent most of my time to text with you..and that also my favourite hobby :)..but now..i need to find my new hobby..sometimes i realise that my day wouldn't complete if you not texting with me..but i guess i need to forget about it..honestly, you're the one that i was thinking about day and just too permanent in my mind..3 years 8 month 1 week and 2 days was a long time for me to had an amazing relationship..that's why i never forget about you..even an inch..i know it's annoying for you to read this..but this is the the one that got are my favourite pain..the only person i ever love so much since the way..i know you were hurting now..or maybe not..i just want to say sorry..for not being a good girlfriend..not treat you right..sometimes not being there for you..always mad to you for no reason and so many more..i realise that i was too bad for you and not suitable for such a nice person..and you need someone more better than me..i know you will find not just one but a lot of people that appreciate you more..make sure you choose wisely..okey lah..that's all i want to say..just take care..don't skip your meal even if you're busy..if you sick..tell your mom night, don't forget to wear blanket if you want to sleep..make sure you eat a clean food..check it before you eat..always drive safely..don't eat too much junk food...but i want you to forget that i will always love you no matter what..even if i already meet someone new in my always be my sweetie pie..have a blessed day..GBU :) bye!

Teddy Gram Note Generator

Friday, March 22, 2013

Everyday is hard when you're not there :(

Yesterday, I already checked my result STPM Term 1..not really bad..i've got 3 principle only..pengajian am, sport science and pengajian geografi subject got i need to repeat it on third days becoming so lonely..i always skipped my meal..i always busy because that's the only way i can forget about him for a while..thank God my PBS already done...that's mean i don't have to worry about it anymore..half of my stress was already the way..why i can't stop thinking about him? sometimes i've late go to bed because i can't stop thinking..i was hoping that i can forget about him for a little..but frankly i did really misses him..and i refused to tell him because i don't want him feel so annoying about me...every step that i make..every second that passed..everytime that i was breathing....i was only thinking about you..your face and your name was permanently remain in my mind..

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Since yesterday we were not contact each other..i admit that i really missed him so much..i cried a lot yesterday and thinking why i always acted like this..maybe i still can't understand him or otherwise..i used to believed that i was the one that always started a fight..but sometimes he can't realise his own mistakes..he seem ignoring me..he rarely replies my text..usually it's takes an hour to wait for his replies..i felt so sad..i understand that he's probably working or need some space or time for himself..but at least tell me..don't make me wait like a fool..i just don't like really hurts so much..sometimes i was very dissapointed with myself why i can't stop disturbing his life..for him..maybe i was a burden that he needs to carry everyday..i can't stop blaming myself why i always acted selfishly..maybe stop contacting each other is the best way to keep him far from me..i did deactived my facebook account..and next maybe i'll change my phone number..i'll try the best that i can to keep away from him even though i still love other people requires a lot of sacrifices..i need to let him be happy even without me by his side..

Dedicated just for you :')

Teddy Gram Note Generator

Friday, March 15, 2013

Only you :)

I believed that I will never see you again
You showed up in front of me like a dream
You shake with the same smile as before

To cover up the awkwardness
I kept saying boring things
But knowing this, you just laughed at everything I said

You're the only one
Even with my eyes opened or closed
You're the only one for me
I love you, I love you, if it's not you, I just can't anymore
More than yesterday, I miss you more today

I think about many times in a day
I fall asleep while smiling like a kid
I can't even remember my life without you, I must be crazy

I thought I could never do it again, will never do it again
But the fact that I'm falling in love again
It's scary and I'm not confident about it but if it's you

(This lyric did happened to me ) 
please listen to this wonderful song :)                                                                                  

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Favourite date of March is 9 & 10 March =)

The reason why i like 9 & 10 March it was our birthdate..mine is 9 and him 10..i was really happy that God still gave us opportunity to celebrate our birthday..thank God because of His love and mom can celebrate my birthday during Adult Cells..there's a lot of prayer and our family also can share the blessed that God gave us..I was really being blessed by God since i was a little till now..without His power, i might die on 2009..He saved me..also healed my illness..and now i'm free from eating any medication hemoglobin already stable..During my PMR examination i was losing my confident to get a good result..because on early 2009, i was hemoglobin dropped drastically..from 12 to 3..2 week on hospital wad and 2 times being admitted..i've been admit on the hospital for too long because i was waiting for blood blood type is O positive..this type of blood was really rare at my hometown, Sandakan. So the hospital decided to order the blood from blood bank at Kuala Lumpur..3 days waiting for blood transfusion..that time was really respiratory system became so limited..i need to wear that respirator for extra oxygen..and guess doesn't helped me at all..on one thursday condition became mom cried all the many people was visiting that female bed number is 3..there's a lot of people died on that bed..even my best friend Tyara said that her late grandma decease on that bed..but with God interference..our church member came and start pray for me..suddenly the doctor ran into my bed and said there's extra blood from our hospital blood bank..then the situation changed from sad to mom can't stop crying because she was so greatful that God had giving me chance to live..actually i was nearly to die..because my soul already separated from my body..i did saw another soul that was calling me..and i did recognise that person..she was an old lady that died 2 days ago..that mean she decease on tuesday..she had been talking with me and my bed and her was really near..because her bed was next to my bed..but after that she was being transferred to bed 3..that's mean she was really critical and doctors can't helped her anymore..i was quite shocked..just like a moment ago i was talking to her then suddenly the nurses told me that she already decease..she was a great women and all the nurses adore her..finally..the blood transfusion had been done and i finally can move a bit..and also can went home to get a full rest..luckly i've admitted to hospital after i'm done my PMR examination and i took a long leave to get rest from's been a month..after that, PMR examination result had been announced on christmas eve..praise the Lord i didn't fail any's all for today..i really greatful because God did love me and my family..He's my best friend, my perfect Dad and my everything..the important is He is my saviour from the beginning of my life till the end..