
Saturday, February 4, 2017

A Letter For That Dear Someone

Dear Someone That I Haven't Seen For 1 Year,

              Hi, I just don't want to mention your name here because I know it's kinda appropriate. I just want to say hi and asking how's your 2016. I knew you had a busy day ahead because you just opened a cafe last year. I'm sorry that I couldn't come to your cafe yet because I think I didn't want to embarrassed myself. I bet you didn't even remember me. Well, it's okay because we didn't see each other that often. The other day, on our way back to home, I saw a moon and a star. Their distance was not that far but they never be together because it is impossible. Just like me and you. you're the moon while I'm the star. No matter how close we were, still we never bumped into each other.. How I wish these feelings can go away too. I misses you so much and I only met you in my dreams. Last time, I dreamed about how close we were and I just wanted to hug you and tell you how much I missed you. Slowly, I realized that was just an imagination. That situation maybe the way I wanted us to be like but that warmth feeling that you gave me doesn't seem a fake sign. Frankly, I never felt that way whenever I met someone. The reason I keep holding on is I believe that someday we could make it, I told Him about you. I told Him that I wanted you. Just you and no one else. He keep asking me to wait patiently. At first I thought I could do it but year by year, I getting impatient. I keep bottled up feelings. Sometimes, I even asked Him. Why is it too hard? Why is it took too long?He told me that good things come slow and it's a worth to wait. As a person, ordinary person, it really sounds ridiculous if a relationship can be done without any communication. But, we know that in Him, there's nothing impossible. I apologize if this letter is too long. I'm hoping you are doing great this new year 2017. I really looking forward to meet you someday. Take care love! I'll always wait for you no matter how long it takes. xoxo

A Girl that misses you so much.

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