
Thursday, September 17, 2015


I'm a girl who dislike to drink milk but now end up drinking milk for almost every night, I used to be a girl who so picky when she wants to eat but now she can barely eats all kinds of food. The more I grew up, the more I understand the whole thing. I'm now officially 21 years old and I found out that life is so hard. I used to want time go as fast as it can be but now how I wish I can turned back time and meet the ones that I loved, my father and my grandparents. I think I already met a lot of people. Some of them stay, some of them go and there's also some of them remain stranger. In life, I also learned that by forgetting people is the hardest thing. Especially a person who used to be with you, mean a world to you and more. There's one person that I liked the most. We were never be together because he's not into me. Last night was a miracle. All of the sudden, I dream about him. Before hand, I've already decided to forget about him and move on. I even already like a guy from the same university as me. I thought all will be okay but the way of his expression on that dream makes me having a hard time to move on. Please go away. I don't have the ability to be at the same situation in every year.


So, today is the first time I ever send him a private message on Facebook. I actually don't want to do it but somehow my sister encourage me to go for it. Frankly, I don't know why really into it. I mean I have a lot of encouragement to send him a private message. I used to be afraid and full of hesitation. Well, I guess life is full of surprises and you only live once. So, just grab any chance that you have. Sometimes, I can be a spontaneous person but not in education. In this 21st century, human is searching for their way to express their self by doing something nice, bad or stupid then record it whether it is a video or audio or a picture. They only need one person to make it viral. By doing that, it somehow change the world view, also by adding it on law or anything that will surprise you. People nowadays seems like hunger for fame. Thank God I'm not one of them. Back on track, I'm secretly hoping that he will reply my private message.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Second year. Year of senior.

So, I've been a senior for a week now. I only attended 1 day class because lack of rest. This upcoming weeks, I need to attend as often as I can. This semester quite challenging for me. Frankly, I hate coming on 8 o'clock classes. But, everyday is the same for me. Every classes start on 8 o'clock. Well, it's gonna be okay I guess. As long as I can get a better marks. My aim for this semester is freakin' high just because I want the scholarship. Anyway, All of the sudden, he came to me and bravely started a conversation. If only I can cast away my excitement. I was too happy until I can't describe it. Oh gosh! he's finally talking to me!! but that only makes me more and more missing him. I guess I only SS. Pity kan? Somehow, I started to be more selfish. I always wanted him to be mine. All I can say is that's only a day dream. How I wish that I'll never met him again. This feeling is a burden for me. Loving someone who has different background and religion too. It's so hard. I want my mummy  :(