
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Arranged Marriage?

At first, I'm not believe in this kind of thing. Arranged marriage? seriously? I don't even know it was already exist in 18 century. I know there's a lot of person dislike to be arrange marriage by their parents. My mother once being arranged by her parents which was my grandparents. But, my mother decline it and choose my father. Frankly, this arranged marriage thing is a bit difficult because you might end up being force to marry someone stranger or somebody you knew but not having a close relationship. Marriage thing is not a joke but it is a commitment for your whole life. Being with some you love and know for a long time might help up the desire to build the commitment even though they need to face many circumstances as one. While arranged marriage is you still need to know he/she at the first year of your marriage. Living with stranger is not that easy you know but after getting married with he/she, you can't no longer treat he/she as a stranger because they are already your spouse. After typing a few opinion, I just realize I am just a single young lady who was having her study week and within 10 more days will sit for her final examination for her last semester of 1st year. Funny right? The reason I'm writing (typing) about arranged marriage is because I, myself feel like I might end up being arranged marriage soon. But, I'm not very sure about it yet. I like to predict things. Sometimes, it is impossible. HAHA! Too much imagination you see. Or actually, I'm trying to escape from the reality which is the fact that I'm just too tired to find a new boyfriend and I'm too tired to have a relationship last for years but end up breaking up because he just a coward or my mother hate him more than ever. I didn't blame my mother though because she knows what is best for her daughter and sometimes she can be a bit demanding. She'll be like why you choose him? He don't even have a proper job. He's too weak for you. He's too young and you can't rely on him. What if you are sick and everything. She just too worried about me. Yes mother, I get it. Pray for the best and your daughter is not that pretty and intelligent either. She only can sing at the shower and that's her only talent. Finding a good man nowadays is impossible. I mean kind of hard. They just limited and you can't see them everywhere but if you do, they already belonged to somebody else. Somebody who definitely much better than me. Sad right? After being single for 1 year, I just realize that is very hard to find a new guy because you weren't pretty enough to compete with the rest. If I'm end up being arranged marriage later, I just accept it with wide open heart. But, firstly my mother need to identify him whether he is qualify or not. If my mother say yes then I'll do so. Like I said, she knew what best for me. So, there's a guy who might be the person that being arranged marriage. His parents and my mother were very closed. they even once said it if their son didn't find any girl, they will set him up to arrange marriage. His mother seems giving me a hint that I might be one of the candidate for his son's arrange marriage. I was so excited and happy back then but when I think back, will he like me? will he accept my imperfection? will us be a good team but above all will his siblings agree? I'm just too young. I'm even younger than his younger brother. Actually, I really want to know what happen next. I hate being stuck in this day dream. I did forget about him once but after I dream about the snake thing, my instinct told me the person is him but I still not sure and I don't want to expect anything yet. This thought is haunting me since his mother started gave me those hints. I don't want either. I know who I am and I know where I belong. I just can't erase him. It happens all the time. Lord, this is my biggest struggles. My heart and mind keep thinking about him. Whenever I started to like someone, the person seems can't do nothing but remain silent. Seems like there's nothing that they can do. I feel so confused. I want this to be over and I want to be free like a bird.

All the way to..

A passed few days, I dream about he's getting married. He seems happy and also his siblings. I didn't know why I dream about him in that situation. The engagement party is on his parent's house. He dress casually but the lady beside her wearing a white dress. The lady was chubby and I didn't know her. When he saw me, he did smile and seems like he is going towards me. The dream end like that and I end up being weird. I keep thinking about the dream. Last month, I had a dream. Dream about I was bitten by 2 snakes. Generally, if a single lady like me dream about that it means she will soon get married. But the funny part is, I don't have any boyfriend. My mother keep wondering what is happening actually. Frankly, I don't want to expect anything yet. Maybe it's just my imagination. I guess I watch too much drama and started to think how is it if the situation is happening towards me. I can't help but over thinking and feeling curious. I need to know what is happening actually. Keep wondering and didn't know what happens next. The solution is keep praying. Pray the best for him if he did found his soulmate. There's nothing I can do about it. I did like him. He's the perfect guy I ever seen in my entire life. He's smart, love his family,have a great job, believe in God, handsome, medium height, sporty, love music, can play music instrument more than 1, humble and more. Who doesn't like that kind of guy right? I guess he just like a prince while I am a common people in his country. I can't be with him because we are from the different background. Plus, I still not interested in having a relationship with anyone. I need time to figure out about myself.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mental breakdown, I guess.

No matter how hard I do, she still didn't say a thing about me. She only like the intelligent student like the rest of my course mate. Maybe because they threat her as a friend. Once I did try to be friends with her but I always lose my chances. Sometimes, I wish I can be like the rest of my course mate. Whenever they talked in Spanish, they can immediately speak without fear. I wish I can be a person who talk without feels any fear and think without worrying too much what's gonna happen. Honestly, I am having mentally breakdown for this semester. She keep saying that I was so bad and seems like she doesn't like me at all. There's nothing special about me. She likes that kind of person who is talented and intelligent. You need to be special then she will attracted to you. How I can compete with the rest? I'm just an ordinary girl that comes from a medium family without a dad and people keep thinking I am clever but actually I'm not. Even if she didn't like me, I will try as hard as I could to get a good grades and maybe it doesn't matter whether I can be friends with her of not. I still believe that I can be better even though she keep telling that I am bad. She can be so annoying,burden,monster and so on but I'm thankful to God because HE send me her to teach me. I don't want to mention her name here. I just to say that whatever it is, I just want to pass every semester without disappointing my mother. I want to graduate on time and I just want to hold the scroll, be a better person, can find a job to help my mother, to take her to travel anywhere she want and learn different language as much as I can. God's will is more important than ours. You just can simply say about other people's future but at the end God's will can decide which way is ours destiny or our path. So what if I'm having mental breakdown now, I don't care because I know I can be better than everyone else. Who are you to judge me?