
Monday, February 18, 2013

As long as you love me :)

No matter how much i made him hate me..he doesn't care at all..sometimes i can't remember how many time i asked him to break up with me..i guess it's more than 3 times..but he refused it..he always said that as long as i love him then i'll never leave you..he also said that i'm his destiny..but i'm afraid that i won't appreciate him..Frankly, my attitude was so bad lately..which was i don't know why...i keep scolded him on tiny thing..i mad at him because i love him so much bha..i just wanna show him that i really care about the older said "Marah-marah sayang" but sometimes i was too much..i always hurt his feeling..maybe my mom was right..i'm so SELFISH..i can't help it's right on my gen and i can't change it..when i think on back days..i was lucky to have him in my life..he's the only exception for me.. Dear Hubby, i just want you to know that no matter how far our distance're always near in my sight and heart..thank God because He gave me such an precious gift..i will learn how appreaciate him as much as he love me..i will take care of him ..never leave him for no reason..and rarely mad at him..once again i'm really sorry for what i've done..i'm just a bad person and you're the better person - Hello Kitty

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