
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Single life is awesome

I can't remember which date we broke up but i guess it's already 1 week. Thank God since today i can cheer myself up. He, the ex always updating his status and mostly about me. He still hoping that we'll back again but guess what, i don't want anymore. I think 3 years more it's enough to torture me. I've been hurt a lot. While we're still dating, i always cried like shit. Jealousy will always controlling my mind. Now. i guess i can take a break for a while. I wish i can borrow one of those fairy's magic stick from magic land then i want all those memories to be erased. Haha! i know it's impossible. I think i watched too much disney's fairy tale movie. Back to track, i'm hoping that we'll never ever meet again. Boys always be boys. They always mean to their exes. Saying something that unexpected by people. Honestly, i still love and care about him but i firmly say that i never look back again. So, i want you to be happy my 'dear' ex. Don't find someone like me but find someone who's much better than me. Okay? Bye!

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